تصبغات البشرة

Skin pigmentation occurs when melanin, which is responsible for skin pigmentation, is secreted excessively in some areas of the body, causing darker spots to appear than the skin color, which are usually brown.

Constant exposure to sunlight

Hormonal changes during pregnancy, which results in the appearance of melasma

Aging: Collagen production decreases and pigment cell activity increases

Dermatitis caused by acne, injury, or burns, which results in scars that are darker than the surrounding skin.

Chemical peeling involves peeling off the top layer of skin and allowing the new skin layer to appear, which will certainly be lighter in color than the pigmented skin layer.

The doctor uses many acids at specific concentrations according to the size and depth of the pigmentation. The most famous types of acids used in chemical peeling are glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, and salicylic acid.

Laser beams target the deep layers of the skin to stimulate the production of collagen that renews skin cells, resulting in an even skin tone and a bright, fresh appearance.

There are many types of fractional laser. The doctor determines the appropriate type for you based on your skin color and the depth of pigmentation.

It is one of the most famous procedures that contribute to skin cell renewal, as the fine needles create microscopic holes in the skin, which in turn stimulates the skin to heal and produce collagen, which gives the skin freshness and elasticity sufficient to remove the effects of pigmentation.

It is a non-surgical procedure in which the doctor uses a tool with a scraper at the end to peel off the upper layers of the skin, while spraying the skin with crystals that facilitate the peeling process.

This procedure is suitable for superficial skin pigmentation.

Ultimately, skin pigmentation requires special attention and care to maintain healthy skin and a radiant appearance.